Persistence – The key to unlock 2016

01 Jan 2016
continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition
Persistence - Dictionary
2016 is a great new year with many of us taking new year resolutions, setting new goals, trying new ideas, rising where we failed, etc. Unlike all the past years, we all want this to be a special year with great success in our lives. We have survived 2015. But it’s not about the survival but about the success in the new year we all want to think about right now.
No turning back
I’m not sure if there is a count/limit on how failures one can take in life. I’m only sure about one thing and that is I would just not turn back until I have overcome all my failures. If you were someone failing in your work, your business, your family, your friends or your ideas, I would just urge you to stick on to your opinion until you have overcome. Be persistent in not turning back.
No jumping like a bunny
If you have a vision, work towards reaching your goal. Sometimes it may sound stupid to stick to your vision but unless you can see wrong with your vision you would just stick with it. Remember you CAN NOT please everyone. Every human being has at least one thing to complain against you and if you were to please each one of them you will end up being miserable! Do not jump tasks / ideas / vision because you think it doesn’t look good for others.
You are just stronger with your strength
If the last year left you with scars all over, you are, by now probably trying to analyse if you have enough strength, the strength you need to overcome. Everyone has a unique strength. You are just as good as a butterfly even as you would be as an eagle. Even though they compliment, physical strength or the IQ or the experience are surely not the only one that can make someone successful. It is the strong desire in their own opinion and a great level of determination coupled with the persistence that is the key to success.
I wish everyone who read this a prosperous New Year. No matter what, be persistent in whatever you do and where ever you are at. Let us unlock the new year through 31st December 2016 with the right key – PERSISTENCE!