Lessons from a great woman, Jayalalithaa Jayaraman

06 Dec 2016
Jayalalithaa Jayaraman
An Indian actor and politician who served 5 terms as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, for over 14 years between 1991 and 2016.
(24 February 1948 – 5 December 2016) -
I’m not affiliated with any political parties. I do not endorse any of its leaders. In fact, I’m not a fan of Jayalalitha. She still deserves a place in my website because:
1. An iron lady
She was called the iron lady – so strong she never showed herself depressed during any of the problems she faced.
Lesson learned:
Whatever problems, being upset or depressed is only going to make it worst. Get on your feet and fight them as strong as you can.
2. An empowered woman
In a traditional state of gender bias, as a woman she has surely had a very tough time fighting all men in her way to reach a place where even her rival of the opposite gender fell at her feet.
Lesson learned:
If you are a woman, you have no excuse to overcome the gender bias. The whole nation may come against you but as a woman you are stronger than all of them combined.
3. A bold fighter
She never bothered about what others had to say about the decisions she made. Most of the times she never even responded to any allegations made against her party, her government or herself.
Lesson learned:
A beautiful leadership quality we must possess. Nothing else can help you lead better than dealing with the allegations without affecting the task at hand.
4. A human
She has had a lot of allegations against her on corruption, being arrogant, making people fall on her feet, taking drugs, etc. She was still a baby like anyone else when she was born. She made a history in 68 years.
Lesson learned:
Embrace humanity. Everyone we meet is going through a hell of problems we have no idea about. What someone is today was not the same when they were born. What someone is today, is because of how the society treated them and what the society taught them during their journey in life.
Value human relationships, be kind, appreciate each other and take a pledge to build a better society.
I’m deeply saddened that such a great leader, I have personally learnt so much from, is no more.