Why would you be socially responsible?

07 Jul 2015

There would be no one who doesn’t appreciate someone who is socially responsible. Unfortunately, not everyone wants to be socially responsible themselves. There are a few perceptions that needs to be changed if you want to be socially responsible. These are just the whys and hows of social responsibilities. I believe this post will help you make a decision to be socially responsible.
It can be a part of your life
You don’t have to make being social responsible a burden in your lives. It can be a part of your life, integrated with every part of your life and day-to-day activities. Start by talking about it.
It is for everyone
You can be a Doctor, an IT Professional, a teacher, a student or even a parent and still be socially responsible. A parent can be socially responsible by teaching their children to preserve nature. A Doctor can help a village to keep the environment clean and thus live a healthy life. A student can volunteer to raise awareness to keep the colony clean with his friends.
It is not a charity, it is a responsibility
If you were thinking that it was a charity, you are wrong. It is a responsibility for everyone. Rather than thinking of it as a free service you are providing to the society, think of it as a task you should accomplish today. to have a better tomorrow.
Forget the past. Think about the future.
Most of us are experts with the “if-then” philosophy. If only had they not corrupted the country, I would have contributed to the society. If only the land was not polluted, I would have had better interests in avoiding plastics. If they change, then I would change. These are few phrases we hear most often. Please change your perception and act today.